How to Check Battery Level for Verreal F1

How to Check Battery Level for Verreal F1

Since Verreal F1 electric skateboard doesn't have a power indicator on the enclosure, many of you may think we cannot know the battery level of the Verreal F1 board. The truth is not like this. In order to solve this problem, we wrote this article. Hope it gets some help to you.

Board Battery Level
1, Make Sure Both Remote and Board are Turned On;
2, Press the power button on the remote and look at the board power indicator. 4 red lights on means the board has 100% battery; 3 red lights on means 75% battery left; 2 red lights on means 50% battery left; 1 red light on means 25% battery left.

Remote Battery Level
1, Press the power button on the remote;
2, If the remote power indicator shows red light, it means the remote has at most 25% battery and can be used for at most 1 hour.
3, If the remote power indicator shows green light, it means it has over 25% battery and can be used over one hour.

Remote Picture:

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I had purchased your Electric Skateboard and all of a sudden when I push the power button, it won’t turn on at all. When the charger is plugged in the light is green, so I know it’s charged. How can I get this to work, as this is very frustrating and the board was only used like 5 times.

Jason M

Hi my F1 board says charged on the charger but the power led on the skateboard just blinks red, any help?

Troy Nelson

I used the board two years and loved it. It have been on the shelf for about 13 months and it wont charge now. Please help I am ready to hit the street again.
Thank you,

Terrence McGrath

Hi I’ve had my skateboard for 3 weeks now and it won’t turn off anymore. It has no problem turning on, but when I hold the power button it doesn’t turn off as it used to. I’ve tried it with the remote on and off, but the light just won’t turn off


The skateboard stopped working today. I just bough it one months ago. The battery is not holding charge. What can I do?


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