Verreal V1, Another Budget Electric Skateboard Is Coming Right at Your Feet

Verreal V1, Another Budget Electric Skateboard Is Coming Right at Your Feet

Recently, the electric skateboard, especially the budget friendly electric skateboard, has been getting trending all over the world. Long before this year, the electric skateboard has always been put a high price tag. For example, we have boosted boards being sold at a high price of 1499 dollars. That is a lot of money. I believe many of us are not willing to spend a thousand and five hundred dollars for a board. At least, I won't. However, starting 2017, we have a few inexpensive electric skateboard brands coming out and giving us not bad riding experience so far.

Among them, Verreal Electric Skateboard has been the innovative star in the industry of electric skateboards. Not only is Verreal Electric skateboard a budget friendly electric skateboard, Verreal has also come with another wonderful feature of replaceable urethanes for hub motors.

With other electric skateboard, the urethanes for hub motors begin to get wore away. That is because the hub motors rotates very fast during the ride. The urethanes are easy to get damaged when the electric skateboards ride on the ride. When the urethanes on the hub motors are seriously damaged, it is about time you buy new hub motors for electric skateboards. Right now, hub motors are usually sold at 60 dollars each. Times 2, it could be a hefty bill. Well, Verreal V1 electric skateboad is actually coming with an extra pair of replaceable urethanes in the package when you make your purchase, which means you pay once and get two pairs of hub motors. That is due to the fact that during the rides, your rethanes are actually getting the most damages while your hub motors get almost no harm at all. That is why we say with Verreal V1, you actually get two pairs of hub motors.

Let's take a look at the replaceable urethanes coming with Verreal V1 electric skateboard.

Looking at the above photo, you can find that Verreal V1's replaceable urethanes are not like the other ordinary Urethanes in the market. Verreal V1's urethanes are built with a round of 21 magnets inside and also a premium bearing. Together with some screws and a L wrench, it's easy to dismantle and install the Verreal V1 urethanes. Bellow is a youtube video to demenstrate the Verreal V1 premium Urethanes. 


Verreal V1 premium urethanes are currently sold at 39.99 dollars each. If you want to know more about it, here is a link at Isn't the replaceable urethane feature cool? What do you think of it? Please comment bellow and let us know what you think of it.

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